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Dap Scoring Manual

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Dap Scoring Manual
General Information on the Measure
Purpose of the measure

The DAP assesses young people's strengths, supports, and other noncognitive factors critical for success in life. The DAP can be used to plan positive youth development programs or to identify areas in need of strengthening.

Main constructs measured

Intrapersonal competencies; Interpersonal competencies

Applicable grade levelsAges 8-18
Publication year for the most recent version

No information is available in the references reviewed.

Year originally developed


Related measures
Measure Administration
Method of administrationPaper/Pencil, Digital
Number of items


Item format

Four-point Likert-type scale

Administration time10 minutes
Available languages

English, Spanish, and other languages including Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, Japanese, Nepali, Portuguese, and Tagalog

Fee for useFee charged by developer
Credentials required for administration


Overall score reporting

A total DAP score is reported.

Subscore reporting

Eight subscores are reported:

  • Support
  • Empowerment
  • Boundaries and expectations
  • Constructive use of time
  • Commitment to learning
  • Positive values
  • Social competence
  • Positive identity
  • Scores are also provided by family, school, community, social, and personal contexts.

Scoring procedures

An online scoring service is provided by the assessment developers.

Interpretive information

Score reports include narrative information on areas of strength and growth, and they identify asset levels as challenged, vulnerable, adequate, or thriving.

Evidence of Technical Quality
Populations for which technical quality evidence has been collected

Evidence was collected from two samples: 6th-12th grade students in Minnesota (N=13,00), and 6th-8th grade students in Oregon (N=1,110). Additional pilot-testing has occurred with international populations to validate contextualized and translated measures.

Reliability evidence

Internal consistency estimates averaged 0.81 for the eight asset category scales and 0.88 for the five context scales. Overall DAP score had an internal consistency of 0.97.

Test-retest reliability was estimated over a two-week interval, and averaged 0.79 for the eight asset categories. Overall DAP score had a test-retest reliability of 0.87. (Search institute, 2016).

Validity evidence
Evidence based on content
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on response processes
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on internal structure
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on relations with other variables
DAP scores showed significant correlations in the expected direction with scores from the Attitudes and Behaviors survey (Search Institute, 2016b), which measures similar constructs. (Search Institute, 2016a).
Locating the Measure
Obtaining a copy of the

Search Institute, 'Developmental assets profile: User manual,' Minneapolis, MN, 2016a.

Search Institute, 'User Guide for the Attitudes and Behaviors Survey,' Minneapolis, MN, 2016b.


This measure is also reviewed in the AWG Guide.

Windows 10 gigaware usb to serial driver. Measure summary updated October 3, 2018.

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Dap Scoring Manual
General Information on the Measure
Purpose of the measure

The DAP assesses young people's strengths, supports, and other noncognitive factors critical for success in life. The DAP can be used to plan positive youth development programs or to identify areas in need of strengthening.

Main constructs measured

Intrapersonal competencies; Interpersonal competencies

Applicable grade levelsAges 8-18
Publication year for the most recent version

No information is available in the references reviewed.

Year originally developed


Related measures
Measure Administration
Method of administrationPaper/Pencil, Digital
Number of items


Item format

Four-point Likert-type scale

Administration time10 minutes
Available languages

English, Spanish, and other languages including Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, Japanese, Nepali, Portuguese, and Tagalog

Fee for useFee charged by developer
Credentials required for administration


Overall score reporting

A total DAP score is reported.

Subscore reporting

Eight subscores are reported:

  • Support
  • Empowerment
  • Boundaries and expectations
  • Constructive use of time
  • Commitment to learning
  • Positive values
  • Social competence
  • Positive identity
  • Scores are also provided by family, school, community, social, and personal contexts.

Scoring procedures

An online scoring service is provided by the assessment developers.

Interpretive information

Score reports include narrative information on areas of strength and growth, and they identify asset levels as challenged, vulnerable, adequate, or thriving.

Evidence of Technical Quality
Populations for which technical quality evidence has been collected

Evidence was collected from two samples: 6th-12th grade students in Minnesota (N=13,00), and 6th-8th grade students in Oregon (N=1,110). Additional pilot-testing has occurred with international populations to validate contextualized and translated measures.

Reliability evidence

Internal consistency estimates averaged 0.81 for the eight asset category scales and 0.88 for the five context scales. Overall DAP score had an internal consistency of 0.97.

Test-retest reliability was estimated over a two-week interval, and averaged 0.79 for the eight asset categories. Overall DAP score had a test-retest reliability of 0.87. (Search institute, 2016).

Validity evidence
Evidence based on content
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on response processes
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on internal structure
No information available in the references reviewed.
Evidence based on relations with other variables
DAP scores showed significant correlations in the expected direction with scores from the Attitudes and Behaviors survey (Search Institute, 2016b), which measures similar constructs. (Search Institute, 2016a).
Locating the Measure
Obtaining a copy of the

Search Institute, 'Developmental assets profile: User manual,' Minneapolis, MN, 2016a.

Search Institute, 'User Guide for the Attitudes and Behaviors Survey,' Minneapolis, MN, 2016b.


This measure is also reviewed in the AWG Guide.

Windows 10 gigaware usb to serial driver. Measure summary updated October 3, 2018.

See Full List On

Dap Scoring Manual Software

Scoring criteria have less cultural specificity than most intelligence tests, verbal or nonverbal (culture-reduced) All you need to give and score of the DAP:IQ is the test manual, the Administration/Scoring Form, and a sharpened pencil. The first Draw-A-Person test was created by Florence Goodenough in 1926 to initially assess intelligence & maturity level in children through a non verbal task: drawing a person. The test was meant to be an alternative to traditional intelligence tests and was a non-verbal, ‘nonthreatening’ task (ie. No investigator pressures) to evaluate.

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