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Batch Tagging speeds up the workflow and provides more accurate results than one-by-one editing. We recommend batch tagging for cells that should have the same value, such as Artist, Album, Artwork, Year, Genre, and the others.
Batch tagging works in two ways: by using the Copy-Paste or typing new value manually.
Batch Tagging with Copy-Paste
To insert a text value, such as Artist Name, or paste an Album Cover in Artwork cells, copy it using Cmd+C keys first. Then select cells in the corresponding column using keyboard shortcuts, mouse, or contextual menu. To find out how quickly and precisely select required cells, read Selection with keyboard shortcuts >>.
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Batch Tagging speeds up the workflow and provides more accurate results than one-by-one editing. We recommend batch tagging for cells that should have the same value, such as Artist, Album, Artwork, Year, Genre, and the others.
Batch tagging works in two ways: by using the Copy-Paste or typing new value manually.
Batch Tagging with Copy-Paste
To insert a text value, such as Artist Name, or paste an Album Cover in Artwork cells, copy it using Cmd+C keys first. Then select cells in the corresponding column using keyboard shortcuts, mouse, or contextual menu. To find out how quickly and precisely select required cells, read Selection with keyboard shortcuts >>.
Jaikoz Audio Tagger Mac Crack Windows 10
After selecting the required cells, press Cmd+V to paste copied content into the cells.
Batch Editing
Select required cells in a column and type new text value (such as Artist name). Press Enter to accept the change for all selected cells or press the Escape key to revert the previous value.
Batch Deletion of tags
The video below shows how to delete or clear tags in selection or entire sheet.
Verifying changes
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Changed cells have a gray background. Don't forget to check them. If something wrong, reverse the changes with Cmd+Z shortcut or Save results with Cmd+S keys.